Kibaki’s Good-Looking Grandson Gives us a Glimpse of Kibaki’s Expansive 400 Million Kshs Mansion in Mweiga Nyeri (Photo)

As he headed for retirement after serving the country for a decade, former president Mwai Kibaki was given a Sh 400 million maisonette located in Mweiga.

But mzee was not ready to retire to the village just yet and preferred the hustle and bustle of the big city as opposed to the tranquility and fresh air the countryside offered.

Not even the GSU officers who provided security and the retinue of servants including gardeners and housekeepers to take care of him 24/7 could lure him to permanently settle into the mansion. The former president settled into the city and only visits the house once in a while.


 Photo Credit: jambonewspot

People don’t know how  this expansive mansion looks like from inside the compound as journalists who attempted to enter and take pics were barred from entering without authority from the family and ex president.

But during a stopover in Mweiga, his grandson Sean Andrew decided give us a sneak-peek into the mansion’s compound.

Check it out below:

About this writer:

Sue Watiri