KOT Troll Ken Wa Maria’s “Fundamentals” (PHOTOS)

It’s probably the biggest song in the country right now and even you haven’t listened to it, you need to get out from under that rock you’ve been living under very fast! Anyhow for the sake of those who live in their dark cocoons and only come out for special occasions, Kamba music maestro, Ken wa Maria, is currently riding high on a song he released more than a year ago.

Dubbed, “Fundamentals”, the song has a catchy tune and naturally grows on you aside from the fact that you get used to it from listening to it a couple times. Ken wa Maria spices it up (I’m not sure whether it’s intentionally or subconsciously) with his Kamba-influenced pronunciation, “fundamentos”/ “fundamendos”/ “fundamendals” (depending on how good your listening is).

Nonetheless, Kenyans on Twitter saw a loophole to do what they do best: troll. And trolling they did with both hilarious memes and tweets. Take a look;

@ibara_agnes: No one is allowed to use ‘fundamentals’ in a serious sentence thanks to Ken wa Maria

@masaku_ : Alfred Mutua talked about the launch of F1 in ukambani. I think he was talking about Fundamentals.

@Voice_Roy: These are your things, these are your Funda medals ~ MC at a donkey race.



@masaku_ :





Here’s “Fundamentals”;


About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)