Kuchukua Kura Lazima! 5 of the most Drastic Measures Kenyans are being subjected to in the name of getting voters cards

Are you seated there and you’re yet to register as a voter? I suggest you do it ASAP as tough times lay ahead for non voters.

It is very much clear voter apathy has no position in the new age Kenya and leaders are in the forefront to make sure it dies a quick death. And they are not just pleading with the citizenry in public but actually taking measures, very drastic ones for that matter.

And here lies some of them in no particular order:

In Kisumu for example Boda Boda riders have vowed not to ferry anyone who doesn’t bear an ID and a voter’s card. That has become a priority even surpassing the fare that you give them and some are going to the extent of ferrying you to a polling station first before taking you to your destination.

The situation is not any different in Embu where the County Commissioner Esther Maina has threatened to arrest or deny basic services to residents who don’t have voter’s cards or identity cards. Even those suffering from hunger will not be offered relief food unless they produced this important document.

A Kenyan voter

In Nyeri, tea farmers have been warned that their harvest won’t be weighed unless they produced these two documents. This decision was arrived at by the head of farmers Mr. Julius Mwangi decision that most farmers actually supported.

In Kiambu, some bars are not selling alcohol to anyone who doesn’t provide these two documents. Considering how Kikuyus love their bottle, you can only imagine what damage this is causing.

Can we also forget the call by almost all leaders that women should deny men the cookie until they provide their voters cards. Can you imagine that? Your own wife, whom you paid dowry for, married in a 5 million wedding and recently just bought a Lexus 2016 version.

Hiyo sasa ni hujuma!




About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi