LADIES: 5 Reasons Why Men Don’t Approach You

Dear Kenyan woman, you are probably wondering why guys are not showing you some love yet your BFFs are getting all the good guys. Guess what? It might actually be your fault. I personally like to approach all kinds of hard-to-get girls because of the adventure aspect of it. However, the reality is that not every guy has the time or courage for adventure. You might sit there waiting for a bold guy forever and he might come. Here’s why guys are passing on you

You move around with your girls

As guys, we are technically afraid of chicks in groups. They give us approach anxiety and create a temporary state of quasi-retarded mentality within us. Girls hanging out together like sheep make us nervous and even if we make great conversations with them, one of the girls will always judge us or attempt to cockblock us. We know we’re going to be evaluated as soon as we walk away so we’d rather not have a bunch of girls laughing behind our backs

I see some chicks walking in groups all the time and think it’s cool. Be your own woman. Give guys a chance to catch you alone. Another thing is that if you are not so hot, avoid walking around with your hot BFFs all the time. Guys will always desire them and forget you are there. And you will end up rubbing your privates by yourself every night.

You look and talk like a whore

Lemme not sound like your grandma and give you a lecture how men won’t respect you when you’re too easy. You probably know that already. That blue, purple or green hair isn’t going to help your case with real men. Neither will the skimpy dresses and obsessive drinking. You will forever be a chips funga and a container for men to dump their sperms.


You think you are too classy

Classy is a no-go-zone for most men because they’ll definitely think you are too expensive to maintain or you are a gold digger. Be decent, not classy. By being classy, all you will get is the occasional sponsor who happens to be married or the rich, benz-driving bachelor who doesn’t believe in sleeping with one woman alone.

Smiling and eye-contact is inviting, while anger and looking like you’re too good for everyone, drives guys away. Try to give off positive vibes and more guys will approach you. Make your standards more realistic

You are too hot or too ugly

Being extremely pretty is a problem. And so is being ugly. The better looking you are, the more likely you are to be seen by men as “Out of their league.” You will create some form of cognitive impairment on every guy that spots you. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. This just means that only the most confident men will approach you. So just sit tight and wait. If none is coming, you should consider being friendly making the approaches yourself. If you are ugly, try dressing well and showing off your other features like your personality or pretty ass.

You are hard to find

Some women just don’t give that opening physically for men to approach. Are you one of those girls that leave work or school and head straight to home? And when you’re doing so, you walk too fast like you have a bladder full of urine. Lady please. You think good guys will come looking for you at your home?

Then there are those girls that love hanging out with their male friends or colleagues all the damn time. By doing so, you appear taken. As guys, we can’t differentiate your male friend from your boyfriend. So we’d rather not intrude. We don’t want unnecessary fights. Reduce the amount of time you spend with your guy-friends

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi