Luo Woman Goes Crazy In The Middle Of Nairobi Streets. All Because Of Obama! (Photos+Video)


Earlier this evening, a stray woman,of Luo decent,treated Nairobi City to a unique show complete with song,dance,ululation,screams and much pomp.

The strange woman,who no one seemed to identify, shocked many after she ,out of the blue, started screaming and wailing and shouting right in the middle of the streets.
Resplendently decked out in red shoes-with straps and a block heel,an official dress, white fishnet stockings,a brimmed hat with a huge flower and carrying at least two handbags with her,the woman, who was speaking in Luo and impeccable English, stopped cars and passers-by with her loud wailing and erratic antics.

Dancing around the streets and prancing around from edge to edge ,the woman caused quite a stir and many people got out their smart phones and started recording her and taking snap photos of her.
Undeterred by the attention, and the building crowd,the woman continued with her impromptu act…Calling out Obama’s name severally,chanting Obama praises and shouting ‘Welcome To Kenya Obama’.

Cars piled up along the street…Unable to move as she had created some sort of one-man traffic with her cheeky,unending act.
Nothing would make her move an inch…Not even the incessant hooting by incensed drivers rushing home and trying to beat the Nairobi traffic…
We managed to shoot a short video of her and take photos of her ,too.
All in all,this is one very animated soul and,clearly,Obama’s visit has brought more than what we thought it’d bring; Now lunatics are popping up from allover the place. And it doesn’t seem about to stop.
Long Live Barack H. Obama!

Here are photos of the woman: 

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And The Video too: 





About this writer:

T. Magu