Maina Kageni Buys an Astonishing Ksh 13 Million Worth Jaguar Sports Car (Photos)


He is definitely marking his territory just like an alpha male would do, if anything is to go by, Classic FM’s presenter Maina Kageni has certainly set the trend among the celebrities with his exclusive ride.

Maina joins the ranks of celebrities like Jaguar (The One Centimeter hit maker and not Jaguar a car nor the big cat of western hemisphere), Nameless, prezzo among other who all have a thing for exclusive European made high quality vehicles. The British made car is usually a benchmark in the automobile industry and owning such a car is just an indication of another social class in which the owner belongs.

Well the next time you spot a white Jaguar sport car around the city; it may just be your favourite Classic FM Maina Kageni driving past you, but I do not mean now you start stirring at every white Jaguar car that passes you. Check out the photos of Maina’s car.






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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere