Maina Kageni FINALLY Bows To Public Pressure

Classic FM’s Maina Kageni whose Breakfast show is known for controversial topics has finally bowed to public pressure by announcing his entry to micro-blogging site, Twitter. Maina is the latest big media personality to join the online community.

After so much instigation from fans and friends alike,  Maina posted this a few hours ago;

Due to public pressure I have officially joined the Twitter Community… Feel free to follow me today on @ItsMainaKageni


The radio whizz already boasts of 157,154 likes on his Facebook page and I suspect the same will be replicated on Twitter. A quick check on his Twitter handle revealed Maina had already marshaled up 619 followers in just 2 hours!!!

This obviously dismisses the previous twitter handle, @MainaKageni, as a faux. You can follow Maina Kageni on Twitter @ItsMainaKageni. Just so you know, he is following back anyonne who follows him.

Welcome to Kenyans on Twitter (#KOT) Maina!!

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)