MCSK Annual General Meeting Postponed

Notice of Postponement of the 23rd Annual General Meeting.

The Music Copyright Society of Kenya is circulating a notice to its members to inform them that a meeting that was scheduled to take place tomorrow has been postponed. Any artistes who were informed of the earlier meeting and have not seen the postponement notice, check it out below.

Notice is hereby given that due to unavoidable circumstances, the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the company that was to be held on 27th February at Nakuru Town Hall has been postponed until further notice. Further details on the Annual General General Meeting will be communicated to the members in due course.

MCSK recently facilitated a seminar enlightening artistes on how to make money in the industry and was at the center of a battle with DJs over payment of royalties last year. Just last year, P-Unit member Frasha and comedan, politicial Mongolo were elected to the MCSK board.

About this writer:

Adam Wagwau (Writer)