Meet Nicholas Mwaniki, the Man Behind the Viral Two Rivers Meme (Photos)

Nicholas Mwaniki didn’t know the kind of viral buzz he would create with a simple meme that he shared to his modest Facebook followers on Sunday afternoon.

It was pretty simple – him and a couple of buckets and jerricans, and then the killer line – Ukiambia Msee wa Githurai unampeleka TWO RIVERS.

If you live in Nairobi, you obviously know that this city has been having a nightmarish water problem for months now.

Githurai people, for a start, are the most hit. And of course, pretty much all other areas of this goddam town.

And because Githurai, with all of its infamy and notoriety, is the most memefied and trollable city environment, Nicholas had struck gold.

And of course, anyone who has a little thing called a mobile phone definitely knows of the existence of one of the biggest and glitziest Malls in East Africa – the Two Rivers Mall which was launched on the cheesiest of all days, Valentines Day.

Combine the hoopla that accompanied the frenzied opening of the Two Rivers Mall and the water scarcity in the city and you’ve got yourself a classic meme.

Which is exactly what Nicholas did.

The photo has been LIKED by hundreds of people, shared by hundreds more, circulated on pretty much all WhatsApp groups in Kenya and also been reposted by some of the biggest Showbiz stars including and not limited to Teacher Wanjiku, Maina Kageni and DJ Nickdee.

“I didn’t anticipate the kind of hype this meme would create. I knew it was funny. That I was sure. But I didn’t foresee the effect it had and it’s viability. Now it’s everywhere. Teacher Wanjiku took it up, Maina Kageni took it up and it’s been burning through the entire Internet now. It’s quite a surreal feeling, “ Nicholas says.

A screenshot from Maina Kageni’s Instagram page

And sure, he couldn’t predict how massively received this meme would be. And now regrets he didn’t watermark it

“I should have left my print on it. Like a logo. Watermark it or something, “ he laughs.

But Nicholas is not thaaaaat new to, eeer, being a funnyman and stuff.

He also started the viral Shaniqwa Challenge that saw men dress up in make up as Shaniqwa (a male character) and his photo in makeup easily won the competition.

Maybe not for its remarkable resemblance to Shaniqwa but it’s absolute hilarity and his very convincing female look.

Also, Nicholas, who goes by the name Nikko Nick on Instagram, has been around the whole meme business and comedy for a while now… And has even featured on KTN’s Jameni show, amongst other feats.

“I’ve been a regular on Inooro FM’s Centro Comedy too. I’ve performed on that show for a while now… I believe in versatility. I will crack you up in my mother tongue and in the national language all at the same setting… ” he hastens to add.

The budding Internet comic has been building up his base over time and it now seems to be finally falling in place… And his madness is starting to get visibility.

We look forward to more days like these, definitely.

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi