Meet The Kenyan Journalist Who Bears a Striking Resemblance to Museveni’s Rival Kizza Besigye (Photos)

Uganda wanted to be saved from the yoke of dictatorship and Kizza Besigye Museveni’s former doctor was the man for the job. But things did not go as planned and Museveni’ won ‘the elections.

Soon after the very controversial elections, chaos erupted in different parts of Uganda with Ugandans taking to the streets to protest the elections.

But their cries remained unheard by the international community with Uganda’s neighbors turning a blind eye to the affairs of Uganda and Museveni was soon sworn in.

But that was not the only swearing in that went on, Besigye also swore himself in and was accused of treason, much to the vexation of his followers who viewed him as a hero.

We recently came across a man who bears a spitting resemblance to Besigye that you would think it was he is son. The similarities do not stop at the looks; they share many more things in common.

They both lost their parents when they were very young, they share an Eastlands connection as while living in Kenya Besigye stayed in Buru Buru and Jeff lives in Umoja, which is about 2 or 3 kilometers away from Buru.

They share a birthday week as their birthdays are 1 day apart and they both support Manchester United.

Without further ado, meet Jeff Ochieng, who works for the Star:







About this writer:

Sue Watiri