NBA Player Dirk Nowitzki Weds Half-Kenyan Jessica Olsson

It seems Kenya has given rise to far more stars than any of us ever fathomed, what with the recent celebrity wedding of NBA star Dirk Nowitzki and Jessica Olsson this past weekend that has got entertainment circles across not just the United States but the world talking.

Jessica has a Swedish father and a Kenyan mother, and the couple agreed that they would have two weddings: one in Germany, at Dirk’s parent’s home and the other at a traditional wedding ceremony right here in Kenya. Their engagement had been announced earlier this year in April, following Dirk’s 2009 split with his ex-fiance Crystal Taylor, a woman who was jailed on a theft charge and also claimed to be pregnant with his child.

About the wedding, sources say: “It was beautiful…Dirk delivered the dowry in cattle…wearing traditional African [regalia].” Dirk and Jessica had the two ceremonies to benefit both family’s culture and location.

Born on June 19th 1978, Dirk Norwitz is a German professional basketball player who is currently signed onto the Dallas Mavericks and stands at an impressive height of 7ft (2.13m). 

Nowitzki has been a nine-time European Player of the Year. He was named the Euroscar European Basketball Player of the Year by the Italian sports newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport for five years in a row from 2002 to 2006 and again in 2011.

Checkout the Daily Motion video highlight below….

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Kevin Oyugi