Niggas Be Buying Cars They Can’t Fit Into- Who Is Davido subbing?

Did someone just step on Davido’s nerves.

Crooner, David Adeleke, in a series of posts yesterday talked about a ‘Nigger’ or ‘Niggers’ who are overstepping their bounds; the question is, who is Davido subbing?

In a state of what looks like an irritation, Davido wrote about his level in the music scene. The thanked God for always having his back ‘cus according to him, so many people will be happy for his unhappiness.

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He again wrote about the fake lifestyle of his subject(s) stating that they are buying cars they can’t fit into.

Here is what he wrote;

'Niggas be buying cars they can't fit in to' -Davido is subbing someone lailasnews 1

Whoever this person is though. Our ears will be on ground for any form of reply, whether subtle or obvious.

About this writer:

Omaku Josephine

Omaku Josephine Ananeyi is a Journalist with keen interest in social reformation, a spontaneous writer, an impulsive reader, and a talker. She currently writes for Ghafla Nigeria. Catch me on Facebook @Omaku JhoJho Ananeyi and on Instagram @Jho_Ananeyi