Photo Gallery: Smirnoff Nightlife Experience

They call it The Night; Smirnoff Nightlife Experience is a project intended to share and improve the party experience across the globe, and on top of the fun, responsibility is key.


On Friday Smirnoff hosted Smirnoff Nightlife Experience at Galileo Xtreme. Check out what you missed if you weren’t there;

402295 486417788036248 1401132532 n


393519 486417528036274 1845672167 n


418954 486466564698037 1071556492 n


539888 486417871369573 1290680854 n


418854 486417644702929 343295395 n


534432 486467178031309 1317018190 n

Alex and Malonza were in the hauz


644484 486418058036221 1228162280 n


404020 486467241364636 974531416 n

Comedian JB represented his code.


564502 486417898036237 245755626 n


551682 486417388036288 316345753 n


292950 486466741364686 1598499546 n

The mixologist doing what he does best


392562 486417938036233 1887791132 n


530143 486418011369559 1052042131 n


421663 486466491364711 1431144208 n

The lighting…


418752 486466358031391 1765656491 n

Beauties galore



Photo credits: Smirnoff [Kenya]

About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)