Rape Charges Police grab farmer who shot girlfriend over sex

The accused, Kwame Anane, reportedly shot his 46- year-old lover Agyeiwaa Nkrumah, in her left thigh at Abotereye, near Bogoso in the Prestea Huni/Valley district.

A 48- year farmer, who allegedly shot his girlfriend for denying him sex, has appeared before the Prestea District Magistrate court.

The accused, Kwame Anane, reportedly shot his 46- year-old lover Agyeiwaa Nkrumah, in her left thigh at Abotereye, near Bogoso in the Prestea Huni/Valley district.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge of attempted murder.

The District Police Commander of Prestea Huni/Valley, Superintendent of Police Timothy Dassah, disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Prestea.

He said on October 8, around 1930GMT, the victim was in her house at Abotereye when the accused went with a locally manufactured pistol and shot her, after which he drunk a substance suspected to be poison in a bid to commit suicide.

Supt Dassah said a group of youth, who stay closer to Agyeiwaa’s house, rushed to the scene at the time of the incident and rescued the two and sent them to Aseda hospital at Bogoso for treatment.

He said Anane was treated and discharged on the same day, but was later arrested for questioning.

The Police commander said even though some of the pallets spread on the victim’s thigh they were yet to receive the x-ray report to confirm whether some other parts of her body were affected.

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Pulse Nigeria Reporter