Robert Alai Prays For Kileleshwa Residents to be Raped And Robbed!

Controversial blogger who at one time harboured ambitions of being the top cop in the land has tweeted in support of crimes of a violent nature!

The blogger who is also a rather huge deal in social media circles such as Facebook and Twitter yesterday tweeted that he is praying for the residents Kileleshwa to experience more acts of violent crime such as rape and robbery. Actually, what his tweet said was “I am down on my knees praying that people continue to be raped and robbed in Kileleshwa so they will wake up to the insecurity”!


I don’t know whether he is trying some shock-jock method of tweeting to get a message across or whether he’s being his usual abrasive and insensitive self but i do know that rape is a grenade of a word and when used, one must use it with care and sensitivity. Rape is the most vile action a lady can be subjected to enduring and i happen to know for a fact that some would rather die than allow themselves to be violated thus.

To go on about rape in this manner is to trivialize it. To wish it upon someone even worse. This is despicable! Alai should pick up the phone and call his sister, girlfriend and ask her what it would do to her entire being to be raped. If he has neither sister nor girlfriend, he should try and visualize a man forcing himself on his daughter. Not a pretty thought is it?

Now join me in grabbing the popcorn and let’s sit back and await the blowback from this rather dense tweet.


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)