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Michelle Obama drops due date for memoir

Michelle Obama’s highly anticipated memoir is set to be released this November, on the 13th.


The former first lady tweeted on Sunday that the book is called Becoming. It is set to come out a week after the 2018 midterm elections.

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By Sunday night, Michelle’s memoir was in the top 20 on

“Writing Becoming has been a deeply personal experience. It has allowed me, for the very first time, the space to honestly reflect on the unexpected trajectory of my life. In this book, I talk about my roots and how a little girl from the South Side of Chicago found her voice and developed the strength to use it to empower others. I hope my journey inspires readers to find the courage to become whoever they aspire to be. I can’t wait to share mg story.”

Becoming will be released in the US through the Crown Publishing Group. This is a Penguin Random House division that has published works by both Obamas.

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Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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