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Robbie Malinga dies

Robbie Malinga is dead. He died on Christmas day, in his home.


Robbie had been diagnosed with anaemia early this year. His health, made the headlines, when photos of his weight loss went viral.

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His death has come as a surprise to many, especially because he was said to be getting better.

According to a family friend, Robbie was optimistic about his health.

“He was in hospital in November and when he came out he was rested and well.”

In his recent 47th birthday, Robbie talked about his fear of death, and his will to survive. He was determined to regain his health and live to the fullest, for his young wife and children.

“This is a big loss. We are all shocked. This isn’t just a loss to the entertainment industry but to South Africa,” the family friend added.

A memorial service is scheduled for this Friday, while the funeral on Tuesday next week.

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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