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South African celebrities’ Mothers Day messages to their mums

As the world celebrated Mother’s Day yesterday, South Africa was not left behind. Many celebrities took this day as an opportunity to wish their mothers the best. They wrote different messages, but what was clear among them all was their love for their mothers.

Some, for instance Nomzamo Mbatha, wrote heartfelt notes to their mothers. Hers read: “Today I am most grateful for the simplest thing… and that is to be able to pick up the phone, call you, have you answer, share a joke and laugh until our tummies hurt! My Queen, ngibonga uthando lwakho, even when I make mistakes you are quick with your forgiveness and slow in anger. I’ve watched you be confident, strong, witty, courageous, kind and free. Ma… that’s what you’ve taught me, freedom to be myself even if it makes the world uncomfortable, to carry my load with grace and TO LOVE PEOPLE… Thank you for raising me and loving me so well… Forever and always. ? Happy Mothers Day.”

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Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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