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Thembi Seete celebrates first Mother’s Day

Her pregnancy and birth of her child were a well guarded secret. In her post on social media though, Thembi Seete finally revealed that she has given birth.


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“My First Mother’s Day, I Approach[sic] this day with so much gratitude,” she wrote in a caption.

 “I’m still in awe that God trusted me to carry and take care of his masterpiece. Honestly, there couldn’t have been a better time for God to grant me the most precious gift of my life.”

She also added that she had to be present enough to live in every moment with her child.

“From carrying you for 9 months to giving birth and watching you grow into your own person and learning who God has created you to be on a daily basis,” she continued.

Early this year, Thembi was suspected to be pregnant. She neither confirmed nor denied the rumours. Saying: “In my culture we don’t share information about the baby until it is born. The time will come when I am ready to share, but for now, let’s just say 2018 is going to be an eventful year for me,” she said.

We wish her all the best in her new journey as a mother.

About this writer:

Purity Lisa

Journalist, Blogger. Lover of life, your girl next door

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