SEX TIPS: 8 Places Women Want To Be Touched

Many guys wouldn’t admit it, but sex Is on top of their to-do-lists. Numerous ladies additionally love sex, and they love to be touched too. But girls are riddles. No matter how well you think you know one, the other one is completely different. And I’m not talking about just personality and looks here. Even some of the things that are straightforward with guys are different from girl to girl.
However, when it comes to touching, there are lesser-known regions she’s dying to have you embrace. Regions that will always make her wet upon contact. Places that are obvious but underutilized. Here they are

1.. Toes

Just as the sight of a sexy pedicure can pique your interest, women love attention spent on their toes. This is the kind of situation that may feel really ticklish in the beginning, but may feel really good as you are cycling through the process of arousal, Every stage of arousal changes body receptivity to sensation, so what was once ticklish can become exciting later on.
If you aren’t sure how to incorporate this into your playbook, start off easy and give her a sexy foot massage. If things feel right, you can progress to more sensual stroking or kisses from there. To reduce any possible awkwardness, focus on massaging the whole foot and using your hands 80 percent of the time, and your mouth 20 percent. That will minimize the oddness potential.

2…. Spine and back

While you ought to never rub the spine aggressively, don’t hesitate to utilize your tongue or fingers to coast up it sometimes. To make her insane, let your tongue brush over the smooth skin of her back. Alternately, you can just utilize your fingers to tickle your route up to her neck.

3…. Behind the neck

Accept it or not, for some ladies, the region behind the neck is the ar that makes them soften. Next time you kiss your lady, move her hair far from her neck (if appropriate) and inhale on her neck, letting your lips brush against it before you kiss and afterward daintily chomp into it.

4…. Inner Thighs

Touching her inner thighs without venturing into the vaginal area will make for an excellent tease that is sure to get her revved up. Use your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, getting excruciatingly close to her ultimate pleasure spot, but pulling back before going all the way.

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5…. Shoulders

From kissing and kneading to delicately gnawing, the shoulders are an oft-disregarded body part, however they ought to be well attended to. Since this region of a lady’s body is frequently disregarded, when you do invest sooner or later liking her shoulders, she will get the chills and, you will get the sweet returns.

6…. Breasts (not nipples)

As men, we have a tendency to instinctually set out straight toward the nipples which is a rather uncomfortable venture for the lady. If you really want her nipples to scream for your attention, you have to invest considerable time kissing and touching the fleshy part of her breasts first . Lick and nibble close to the nipples without really touching them and she’ll be beseeching you to wrap your mouth around them.

7… Outer labia

Likewise with the breast, regarding the vagina, we have a tendency to make the plunge directly into the wet spot and disregard the external lips. We assume that a lady is already prepared but such is rarely the case. Utilize your mouth and tongue to lick and kiss the labia majora of your lady’s vagina and when you at last head on in, she’ll be more than glad.

8…. Ankles

It’s to a degree disappointing to finish things off without attending to the ankles I know, however some ladies bear the preference of having their feet kissed and touched. Yet rather than her feet, pick to kiss and stroke her lower legs. Be cautious; don’t chomp the region in light of the fact that it can harm her.

About this writer:

Philip Etemesi