These are the Street Kids that Light Up the City with Kick Ass Dance Moves every Night. Someone Should Surely Take This Massive Talent Off the Streets. Donald Kipkorir, Joe Kariuki, Sonko, Anyone?

You can find them along Moi Avenue opposite Scratch bar having a time of their lives while pulling off some of the craziest moves I have ever seen you would think they are part of the dance crew in a Wasafi video.

Like most Kenyans, I just watch the whole ordeal from a far, make a few giggles and there I am going about my business until yesterday when I decide to walk up to them and ask what the deal is. Kevin who I assumed is the team leader was the first to come forth and answer my questions something with utmost eloquence, confidence and courtesy.

I was curious as to why they were wasting their time away dancing instead of lining up their hands to receive hand outs like the rest of their kin and according to them, that’s what they were exactly trying to avoid.

Just begging for the sake of it! They found more productive to dance away, most of the time to shield off the misery in their life anyway and also in the hope someone might just take notice and offer them something.

That something is what they survive on and sometimes when they are lucky they use the same to buy some outfits and look a bit presentable while they do their thing.

I was touched so I decided to write this hoping someone will take notice and offer them something. Probably an artist who is looking for dancers for his video or a politician who has the heart of giving….I would hope Donald Kipkorir gets touched too and takes them out of the streets.

Just check them out and get touched too:

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi