This is Why Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria is Trending on Twitter

Do you remember these familiar phrases “Foreskin misleads the mind” “Kikuyu is not a tribe it is an enterprise.” well if you do then certainly these words uttered by non-other than the now Mheshimiwa Moses Kuria has earned him a spot on the most trending items on twitter.

First things off, I think this guy would make a good comedian should he decide to quit his political career. After taking to the social media and posting the controversial ‘foreskin’ thing, he earned a date with Larry Madowo on NTV’s show; the Trend. Apparently he claimed that his post was misunderstood do you know why? According to him, foreskin is the skin from the forehead, at least he argued that way. What he meant is that the brain misleads, do believe that guys? Be the judge for that.

Kuria defended his post and argued that he did not at any point promote tribalism as he off set the common Luo theme; Luo is not a tribe, it is a calling, arguing that the phrase was not perceived as having a tribal inclination then also his invented phrase; Kikuyu is not a tribe, it is an enterprise, should not be misinterpreted as a tribal comment.

Love him, hate him the bottom line; this guy is funny, just do not take him serious.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere