Homemade Hangover remedies to see you through the crazy weekend

It is Friday and one sure thing is that hangovers are going to happen because of celebrating the weekend. Here are a few tips to help you get better on the morning after the tough night.

Grease up before you go.  Eating a pizza or other fatty food is said to grease the intestines so the alcohol takes longer to absorb.

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Consume sugar while you’re drinking. Studies show that fructose may speed alcohol metabolism, thus reducing the risk of a hangover. It’s important to eat sugar while you’re drinking, not before, since fructose metabolizes quickly. Try plain orange juice between cocktails.


Eat ginger. For centuries, people have taken ginger to reduce nausea and vomiting. Try nibbling crystallized ginger in the aftermath of a night of drinking.

Go back to bed. A hangover isn’t caused by lack of sleep, but that makes it worse. Take a long nap the day after: It’s the body’s way of healing itself.

About this writer:

Desiree Miller

I'm a whole lot of "what not to expect."

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