Would you pay your Children for doing housework?

Would you pay your Children for doing housework?

The debate goes on, especially in the 21st century of parenting.

Some parents, (especially the modern ones) like Anne a mother of a 5 year old say that paying the child for chores done helps encourage them to do more and also helps cultivate the culture to save for things they like.

Josephine a mother of 4 girls is completely against the trend saying this makes children lazy and entitled to get paid for everything instead of just helping out.

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She swears against the trend and says that this modernity will spoil children and take them away from their cultural responsibility of helping around the house.

Some professionals encourage parents to pay children for activities because it enables them to learn the value of money and earning.

What is your take on this?

About this writer:

Desiree Miller

I'm a whole lot of "what not to expect."

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