Who’s laughing now? Willy Paul sends message to his haters

Willy Paul has got to be one of the most confident celebrities we know today and he isn’t scared to send out a message whichever way he pleases to people who dislike him or may have grudges against his music career.

He managed to walk away with the ‘Best Gospel Act’ award at the AFRIMMA 2016, stunting on the haters who thought his music was going nowhere.



Willy Paul’s thank you poster (Photo: Courtesy)


The young singer posted a heartfelt message on his social media thanking his fans for their support and for the far they have brought him.

I thank God for the win. Some people would probably say AFRIMMA ‘gifted’ me the award; but that is not the case. I have been consistent, creative and appreciative of genuine support that I get from fans.

During an interview with eDaily Willy Paul talked about his upcoming collaborations with international gospel acts that will continue to boost his music in Africa.

He also sent out a message to his haters saying,  

I pray for them. They should know that it is God’s will that would always prevail.

Though I thank them for positive criticism that has helped me get to where I am today.

Well, it is impressive how he avoided gloating this time around.

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua