Why You Haven’t Been Seeing Willis Raburu on TV


For close to a month now, Citizen TV’s Willis Raburu has been off air and so has been ‘TruthMeter’, something that has prompted queries from fans.

While Willis has been posting photos of himself hanging out in the States, it hasn’t been clear what the talented reporter is up to in the ‘land of opportunities’.

Well, we just figured out what Willis is up to in America.

For the past one month, Willis has been on an exchange program with PBS Newshour, an American evening television news program that is broadcast weeknights on the Public Broadcasting Service.

Willis enrolled at the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) for a U.S.-Based Exchange Program for Kenyan Journalists. The two-phase exchange program, starting in Kenya, took a group of four young journalists from selected news organizations to the United States for a four-week program. They first attended an orientation in Washington, D.C., and are now spending the remaining time working out of U.S. newsrooms.

At PBS, Willis writes for The Rundown News blog.

He’s expected back at the end of the month and after this first phase, three U.S. leading journalists will then visit Kenya to build on the mentoring relationship with the participating African journalists that started in the U.S. phase of the program.


About this writer:

Jeff Omondi (Writer)