Willy Paul Proves He Is More Talented Than How You Know Him. See What He Did At Rev. Kathy Kiuna’s Church (Photos+Video)

He is controversial as hell but mention this to him and you shall have crossed the red line. Willy Paul will tell you outright that your words are unmeasured and pathetic. This is what he told his fans to ignore when a headline called him controversial.

Well, forget all this. Willy Paul is just a talented boy despite being accused of stealing songs and beats from other artistes.

His way of executing songs, whether stolen or his, is unique and entertaining. I have said this before and some perverts claimed I was paid to praise Willy Paul. I called it crap and quickly moved on with my duties as a blogger.

But forget what you are used to from this Mathare-born boy. he can do more than that by the way. He proved this on Sunday when he was invited to lead the praise and worship team in singing.



The singer brought the entire congregation into life thanks to his manner of singing. This time he must have really steered clear of controversy if some so religious individuals wont pick a quarrel with the manner he was dressed.


You know what I mean?  Christians who do not want to see you with studs on your ears, a funny haircut and sagging trousers looking like you have pooped on yourself.

Watch this video of Willy Paul doing what he loves most at Rev. Kathy Kiuna’s Church in Ngara, Nairobi:

Video Courtesy: KTN


About this writer:

Edward Chweya