6 Important Lessons We Can Learn From Deputy William Ruto’s White Pilot….

Last evening,the Twitterati was up in arms over some 1 minute or so grainy clip that showed DP Ruto’s pilot verbally and physically harassing a feeble Female cop to the extent of shoving her,hard,and yelling expletives at her even using the ‘F’ word on her severally,browbeating and haranguing her.

It’s a sad and outrageous clip… The pilot,of Caucasian origin,even attempts to forcibly snatch her police rod before she quickly and fearfully grabs it back,ignominiously.

All of this happened as an eager crowd,obviously there to see the DP,watched in angst and disbelief. The crowd,comprising mostly of men,at some point attempts to holler and growl at the obviously mannerless pilot but their grunts of disapproval at shut down by the Pilot’s audaciousness.

This racist white bastard is the man hired to pilot the DP around the Country. And probably abroad. And while the Country is livid at the clip,the Deputy,who must have seen it before all of us or have been briefed about the altercation before it even hit the Twitter backwaters,hasn’t said a word,publicly castigated his errant pilot or done the noblest thing and sent the atrocious pig packing.

Quickly… Lessons we all can learn from this unfortunate incident where a BLACK FEMALE POLICE OFFICER is openly attacked and abused by a WHITE GOVERNMENT PILOT in broad daylight.

1. Racism Is Still Very…. Alive!

Obviously,one of the motivating factors that drove the Caucasian pilot to harass the poor black cop was the simple fact that he’s white. And that his people,for thousands of years,have consistently harassed,mistreated,bullied and tyrannized black subjects and gotten away with it. His being white is like an open card to violence,entitlement,prudish behavior and a warped,sickening superiority complex. He didn’t even take time to allow the poor lady to make her case… He looked at her from a serpentine,racist angle and blew off on her mainly because,compared to him,and his pink pig skin,she was black trash – and as far as his people are concerned,black trash has no business lecturing a superior white male. Welcome to America.


2. Impunity Still Reigns Supreme

Some may argue that the pilot is some nice guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Well,we don’t know him that well and we might be inclined to believe them. But still,he was captured on camera,in broad daylight,almost beating the daylights out of a hapless POLICE OFFICER. why? Well,he chauffeurs the Deputy President around. What’s not to do? When you pilot the second most powerful man in the country around,chances are,you will have very little time for little people trying to screw up your little plans. The simple fact that he sits next to power,draws his salary from the coffers of such a powerful individual and gets to hang out and have the ear of a man of Ruto’s mettle means that he will have very little patience with any other person who will be a million times less significant than his Boss. He acted out of importance. And out of the fact that the law MUST bow down to him. Given his position in society.

3. Police Are Not Always The Problem

We tend to believe that Police are always the problem. But that’s not really the case. Sometimes,they’re not. Sometimes the police are only doing their work until some powerful bastard stumbles up on them… And screws them up. Sometimes,the police are not the douchebags they’re almost always painted as. Sometimes,the police are honest people,sincere employees and dedicated servants. Until some other powerful individuals step in the ring…. And the game changes. Fast.

4. Mental Colonization Is Still Alive

As the black female cop gets harassed and bullied around,shoved and yelled at,there’s a team of locals gathered who,the best they can do,is make noises,grumble and lowkey hiss at the Pilot instead of gathering themselves,marching forward,launching an attack at this vile pig and PHYSICALLY protecting the poor lady from the wrath of the man. Instead of taking immediate angry action,they chose to idly stand around,make feeble noises and talk at the man… Afraid of confronting him, afraid of charging at him,afraid of moving forward,enmasse,and lunging at him for being such a dirty racist prick. He seemed to scare them all. Simply because he had pink skin. And the attitude of the colonial master. It showed,many years after independence,black Kenyans are still terrified of a rambunctious white man spewing hate and commands. Pity.

5. Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

The greatest reason why this even happened is because of power – that morally degrading factor in humans. Had the pilot not been a pilot in the first place,had he been some other lowly Kenyan doing some lowly job at some lowly boss,he’d not have had the audacity to yell at and even hassle a whole police officer in a country where the police evoke terror amongst citizens. But given his social status,his job and his assumed superiority over lesser mortals,it was very easy for him to launch the sort of daring attack he stupidly did on the police woman. Kenya is a country that deeply fears and obeys her men and women in uniform and for a civilian to go off on an officer so brashly,it can only mean one thing – they’re powerful and then know it. And they’ve been irreparably damaged by their power, drunk and sloshed in the power.

6. Show Me Your Friends…

That William Ruto walks around with such a toxic man says a lot about the DP. I am 100%sure that this is not the first time this pilot has acted in such a brash manner in public. Having worked for and with Ruto for a period of time,Ruto must be aware of the man’s nature,rash character and mannerlessness. But Ruto still choses to keep and enjoy the services of such an obnoxious mortal. A man so recalcitrant,he will publicly yell at and shove a woman in uniform. Is this the first time this pilot has behaved in this manner ? I doubt. This is a man whose red temper and impatience Ruto must be aware of. This is a man whose perversion and disrespect for the law or law enforcers Ruto is aware of. Definitely. But still,the good old DP chose to keep the man. Chose to let him remain on payroll,his virulence notwithstanding. If these are the types of men Ruto rolls with,men with no regard for the law and men who treat uniformed women so brazenly, you wonder how Ruto views his subjects too.

And with that,I join the Twitter brigade singing #DeportRutoPilot. 

About this writer:

Janet Chao