7 effective flirting tips for men

Here are the top ways guys can approach a woman and engage in stimulating conversation that will also ensure a positive response and get you into her life and maybe even more.

7. Offer her an original compliment

Do not tell her the obvious compliments.

If she is pretty and hot, chances are she has heard all that before.

Be original. Compliment her on a specific feature (like nose, fingers, feet).

Compliment her on her perfume, her taste in shoes etc

6. Be keen on details

On the first date, try to remember what she wore.

Her earrings, the colour of her shoes, what she said about her brother, her birthday etc.


Be keen on details, especially on the first date. (Photo: Madamnoire) 

Men usually tend to be very forgetful.

If you remember such things that will already be an obvious plus for you and will make her feel you actually do care.

5. Give her space

If she seems reluctant to give out her number do not bug her.

She may want to take things slow or maybe she is not even interested at all.

Read Also: 7 flirting mistakes women make

Suggest you would not mind calling her some time and let her take it from there.

4. Make original jokes

Have original jokes on hand that are both harmless and she can relate to.

Find out what she loves. Making her laugh will definitely break the ice and bring both of you at ease.

She will also be more comfortable with you.

3. Relax

Do not be tense. If she already agreed to a date with you, chances are that she is at least interested in you.


Do not be tense around her on a date. Relax. (Photo: Classic105)

Sit back, relax and take the time to get to know her as a person.

2. Make her feel happy

Get her to open up about things that would make her happy such as her hobbies, favourite series, music and food.

Ask about her friends and things she enjoys doing in her free time.

By putting her in an emotionally happy state her reception towards you will be much warmer and friendlier.

1. Make her feel like she is the only one

Make her the centre of attraction on your evening out.

Men are visual creatures. If you are the type who has a weakness of wandering eyes ogling at every lady that passes by, try and refrain from this, especially on the first date.

Making her feel special involves ignoring everyone else in the room throughout the entire date.

About this writer:

Dennis Tarus