Buni Tv To Treat Their Fans!

Buni Tv Fans prepare to be thoroughly entertained!(Drum rolls please.) Buni Tv is set to release the second season of the Comedy series this time with local actors thanks to the first season being such a huge success.


The new series is set to capture Kenyans affinity for bizzare with clips such as “The Kenya ‘Pothief’”, “The Police Sermon and “The OB”. Others were inspired by the country’s ever blazing religious entrepreneurship with titles such as “How to Calculate Tithe”, and my personal favourite “Die Demon Die”(Cue  laughter)


This treats will be released exclusively every Sunday on www.buni.tv/comedy over the course of the next few weeks.Don’t be left behind,comedy is about to be revolutionalised!!!

About this writer:

Sue Watiri