CABU GAH DIARIES: Relax Robert Alai. You were NOT the one sexually molested! Let Tony speak!

Yesterday twitter blew up. Like a home-made grenade in downtown Iraq. Reason?? A bunch of writers were accusing their fellow writer of sexual molestation. The Results?? Free online entertainment.

The last person I expected to be embroiled in a nasty twitter combat would be Tony Mochama,popularly known as Smitta Smitten in the entertainment circles.

Tony, for the ignorant, is the diminutive,dreadlocked prolific writer at the Standard Group-owned Pulse Magazine. You cant miss his articles…Most of which are laced with hilarious vodka escapades and party anecdotes.

Tony can write. Real good. Real Real good. And to prove so, he won the 2013Burt Award for Literature. Pocketing a cool 765,000 Kenya shillings.


Tony,by the way, is one of my BIGGEST literary idols. He is one of the most iconic, fresh, bold, witty,enthralling and perspicacious writers who ever walked the face of Kenya. The new age Wahome Mutahi.

His prolific work can be found and felt in the innumerable articles he has published at Pulse Magazine and also in the many books he has kept churning out-the most popular one being the edgy What If I am a Literary Gangster.


I have always admired Tony. Always and Forever. And the few chances that I have had to interact with him…Even if He never actually can remember, he always came across as one of the warmest,sweetest,most easygoing and amiable characters.  I have NEVER partied with Smitta. But I bet he is one hell of a stimulating party goer.

Ok…Enough of me trying to suck up to a fellow writer.

Yesterday a woman named Wambui Mwangi came out guns blazing accusing Tony Mochama of “sexually molesting” her friend at her own house.

Wambui sounded bitter to the core. And from her acerbic twitter postings,she was clearly dressed in full combat armor. Ready for war.

Wambui not only utterly shredded Tony,she also took her battle right at the doorstep of Tony’s employers and sponsors. Damn.

She was bitter,bitter,bitter…And NOTHING could possibly calm her.

Until the Almighty Robert Alai,Provocateur Number One,rained on her parade.



Robert, typically, launched into Wambui so severely and unapologetically…It sure did something to tone down her irascibility.

Robert was convinced that Tony Mochama was 100% Innocent. And that, to quote his acidulous words,Wambui and her bunch of Feminists were a simple gang of sexists and homosexuals out to discredit the character of one Tony Mochama.

Robert did a blog post about it. Defending Tony fiercely. And spent the better part of Yesterday’s afternoon on Twitter (Where else??) coming into a spirited defense of Tony Mochama who,he confessed,he doesn’t even LIKE. Huh??!

Robert urged the “Women of Twitter” to STOP accusing Tony before he has been found guilty. And also roundly condemned them for passing immature judgement on a hitherto “Innocent” Tony.

And in the same breathe,Robert Alai went ahead to brand Wambui and her clique some very unpalatable words…Calling them a “pathetic lot” a “domineering community of sexists” “paling” and “pathetic gender chauvinists” OUCH.

So, this is the SAME guy asking us NOT to judge TONY before we have heard his story and yet the SAME guy who, clearly, has already formed his OPINION and passed JUDGEMENT on Wambui and her clique. Calling them all sorts of repugnant names to try and make a point.



Hey Robert,What convinces You so strongly that Tony Mochama is INNOCENT??? And assuming he is,Don’t the Women accusing him deserve an avenue to vent and air their views???

Lets pretend You are honestly and unbiasedly defending Tony Mochama both as a Man and a Social Activist,Does that mean that You have to get so damn personal,insulting and judgmental towards the women accusing Tony???

Lets pretend that, indeed,the Poet Shailja Patel was sexually molested,Doesn’t she deserve to air out her tribulations without seeming that she is furthering her dwindling Poetry career??

To You, Wambui and her bandwagon are a group of washed-up, baseless, attention-seeking sexists with a simple intention to further their career through discrediting Tony.

How did You arrive at that?? So a woman CANNOT be sexually molested anymore in this City?? Without having her being accused of being a cheap,pathetic attention-seeking scumbag??

COME ON! You,Robert,weren’t at Wambui’s house that Night.

ONLY Wambui Mwangi and the victim Shalija Patel can properly account to what transpired in that house that night.



And the fact that they may have a struggling literary carreer is NOT proof enough that they are NOT susceptible to sexual molestation.

You believe Tony has his rights. Well…so does Wambui. And Shailja.

And unlike You,I actually LIKE Tony. I can even add idolize him. But NO,I am Not going to hold brief for him. Not on this one.

Wambui and her squad MUST be allowed to talk. Without being called names or dismissed especially on matter as delicate as sexual molestation.

Plus NEITHER You nor I was at Wambui’s House that night.

Only Tony and the Women were.

Let them GO TO COURT. The 3 of them. Provide proof,the 3 of them. And come to a settlement,the 3 of them!

We MUST put emotions aside and let justice roll through.

I refuse to believe that the Tony Mochama I know would voluntarily grope a woman sexually.

And if he actually did, My heart will drop.

Can Tony Mochama molest a woman?? ANYBODY CAN.

Did Tony Mochama actually molest a woman?? Over to You Shailja Patel. Tell us what HAPPENED. We are listening.

About this writer:

Cabu Gah