CABU GAH DIARIES: Yesterday I spent My afternoon at Nairobi Hospital. With Rapper Wangechi. Here is the story.

GOOD NEWS: Wangechi is out of the ICU. Better News,She is Talking. Best News,I saw Her. Heavenly News,God is Good.

Yesterday I spent a sweet evening with a sweet Angel in a not-so-sweet environment: Nairobi Hospital.

Plan was to go there over lunch hour…But then I got held up by stuff. And, therefore, I pushed the date forward to evening.
 And sure enough,I was there by 5:15 pm. Accompanied by the Official Ghafla photographer,the very proficient,Tonny Ndung’u.

Tonny is AFRAID of Hospitals. Like,seriously AFRAID. Its creepy. And downright funny.

As we walked in,trying to waltz our way towards the Accidents and Emergency lobby, Tonny saw an Ambulance in which a man was being stretched out…a little bruised and bloody. Tonny almost collapsed. He stood in his tracks. Unable to move. Or say a  word. I looked at him,puzzled,and wondered why ANYONE would be soo freaked out by the sight of an injured man.

Anyhu,We walked over to the entrance and walked in…straight to the Reception Desk where we found a pair of some clement receptionists.

“Hi,My name is Cabu Gah…I am here to see a Young Woman. Her name is Wangechi Waweru….” I started.

“In which ward is she??” the receptionist asked.

“Ummm General Ward,I guess…” I replied.

“What is the name of the Ward?? You got to know the name of the Ward…” she added.

I had NO idea in which Ward Wangechi was admitted. Or any idea where the Wards were in the first place.

But after a spirited inquiry,We were led to the other block…Where we were met with a huge MAIN ENTRANCE label.



We walked in…And straight to the Reception area.

“Hi,My name is Cabu Gah….I am here to see a Young woman named Wangechi…Wangechi Waweru…” I said,flipping through my bag.

After a few minutes, the receptionist said…”St. Andrews…Go to St.Andrews Ward..Go down the block…Take a left turn…Go down…then take Your right turn…go down then take the stairs to the right…Go up to St. Andrews Ward….”

Whoa! How was I expected to process all that information? But by God’s grace,I did.

Tonny and I walked steadfastly down the hallway…fidgeting with our camera. Unsure of whether we would be allowed to snap photos.

Right up to the stairs,We went up and met some other 3 ladies chit-chatting by the entrance.

“Hi…We are here to see Wangechi. Wangechi Waweru..” I said.

“Ok….Go down…Just keep going and turn to Your left…” One of the ladies said.

We went down. Turned into the Ward on our left and from some meters away,I saw a band of 3 beautiful girls swarmed around a bed. I immediately knew it. Wangechi is on THAT bed.

We walked over…cautiously…Not sure how to go about this.

I was apprehensive. Really apprehensive and nervous.

How does Wangechi look? Will she recognize Me? Will I be able to look at her? Will I handle it?


But in a flash,I was standing right next to Wangechi’s bed. Tonny was freaking out.  Real bad.

I looked over to Wangechi. And let out a sigh of relief. But before I could say a word,a Young man walked over to me….And asked me to follow Him,saying, “Only 2 people are allowed…Only two people….”

He called us out to the balcony. And we followed him. He was Wangechi’s brother.

At the balcony,I met 4 other ladies. Among who was Wangechi’s mother,Nancy Waweru. A kind,imperial lady who oozed grace and elegance.

“Hi….Ummm,My name is Cabu Gah…Wangechi’s friend and ummm…writer….” I started. “I am from Ghafla…We do Entertainment News…”

Wangechi’s Mom’s face lit up.

“Are You the ONE who wrote Wangechi’s prayer?’ she asked,sitting up.

“Yes,I am…” I replied.

“I LOVED IT. I TOTALLY LOVED IT. God Bless You so much.'” Mrs. Waweru said,profusely.

“Oh,You read it? You actually read it?” I asked,humbled and touched.

“Yes…I read it. It was on Ghafla,right? We read it. That was so nice of You…” she reiterated.

I was moved. Deeply and intensely.

We had a brief chat with Mrs. Waweru before I was allowed to go see Wangechi.

I walked in….carefully.

Right at her bed,I stretched my hand towards Wangechi,and introduced myself…”Hi Wangechi…I am Cabu Gah…I dont know if You remember Me…”

Tewa,the other girl with whom she was in the ICU said, “Ofcourse she does…she was just telling Me about You…”

Wangechi was TALKING! Yeeeeay! And she said she remembered me pretty well. I was relieved.

She stretched her feeble hand towards Me…And on it,I could see hospital marks caused by days of injections and drip fastenings. I shook her hand. And expressed my profuse Get Well soon wishes.

We talked.About stuff….Any kind of stuff….

“How are You doing? How are You feeling now?'” I asked her,leaning closer to her bed.

“Am good…Am good…Am good Cabu Gah…As You can see…God is good…” she said,with a feeble voice but a bold aura.

I held onto her hand…And turned to the girl standing to my left.

It was Tewa. Natalie Tewa…the girl with whom Wangechi was admitted in the ICU. And what shocked me MOST about Tewa is  the fact that she looked so damn Okey. For a girl who had just left the ICU, Tewa looked shockingly terrific.

Her face was in perfect shape…Her bruises had already healed..I couldn’t trace any scar or deformity in her face. She was talking alright and standing upright. She was too sober and too fit! And yet she had been in the ICU just a few day’s ago! How???? I was bummed.

She didn’t look a single inch like a person who had survived a freak Car Accident. And that’s why God is good.


I turned to Tewa…And hugged her.

“You are Tewa,right? I noticed You the moment I walked in…” I told her.

“Yeah I am. Natalie Tewa…’ she added,smiling tenderly.

I had a combined talk with both Tewa and Wangechi…Apparently,they both grew up together. since the little age of 5! And have been friends ever since.

Tewa and Wangechi attended the same schools…they went to Makini together…then to Precious Blood together then to Brookhouse together…After which Wangechi went to Strathmore University and Tewa went to London,U.K to study at Leeds University.

“I am like Kanye West….I am Kanye West…” Wangechi told me,smiling faintly.

“Oh You are…WOW! So You will write music about Your hospital experience? Just like Kanye West?” I asked,excited.

“Yes…Yes…I am actually already writing Music!” She announced.

Good for You,Girl! I thought.

“I am like Kanye West…” Wangechi repeated.

For those of You who don’t know,U.S Rapper Kanye West had a death-defying accident in 2004. And ended up in hospital with his face mangled and his jaws totally broken. He proceeded to record classic rap jams right in the hospital. With his jaws still wired shut. The songs were…, Jesus Walks, Through the Wire and All Falls Down.


As we spoke,Wangechi’s mother walked in….And we had to wind up the chat.

“So who else has been here to see You?” I asked Wangechi.

‘Oh DJ Mo. And his wife,Size 8…And also DK Kwenye Beat,Hopekid and …ummm….Rabbit and also Ian Mbugua…of Tusker Project Fame…”

Oh Wow!

“I was shocked…I was shocked to see all these Gospel Artistes whom I had never even talked to before…Or met…” Wangechi said,thankfully.

To DJ MO,Your wife Size 8 and the whole System Unit Crew,GOD BLESS YOU SOOO SOOO MUCH!

“Oh and Kaberere’s widow was here too…the wife to the late Kaberere…” Wangechi’s mother added.


“So what would You love to tell Your fans Wangechi?” I asked.

“Ummmm I would love to thank them them deeply…deeply and truly…I will be back…Like Kanye West…And this is NOT the end of me. They should also expect great music from Me…And thanks to everyone who recorded a video and wished me a quick recovery. I Love You All…Thankyou for Your prayers…”

“And what has this whole accident-hospital experience taught You?” I asked.

“I have been taught to appreciate life more…Appreciate Friends and Family more. And to live live to the fullest…Any given day. And also much thank to my Mom…who is right here…She has stood with Me all through..And has been in hospital with them all day…Everyday…From Morning to Evening…And to my brother too…God Bless Him!”

Her mother smiled. Standing vigilantly beside the bed.

And to You Tewa?

“Well I would urge the Youth to drive more carefully…And ask the Youth to appreciate their parents more…Especially single mothers…Who invest all their energy in their daughters…”

And to You,Mama Wangechi…What would You say,

“Mine is only to encourage the Young people to always put God first…And always remember there is a God. And to invest heavily in prayers. And also,to do EVERYTHING in moderation. Have fun. Party…But do it in moderation…” She added.

Time to leave had come.

Nairobi Hospital Wouldn’t allow us to take photos. Either of the Hospital. Or the patients. And we obliged.

But grabbed a few quick ones…As You’ve seen here.

Get Well Soon,Princes of Rap. We will be back. And we will ALWAYS…ALWAYS LOVE YOU!

Much Love!











About this writer:

Cabu Gah