Citizen TV’s Anne Kiguta Cozying up To a Senior Statehouse Official Said to Be Her Boyfriend (Photos)

A few years ago, Citizen TV’s screen bombshell Anne Kiguta was linked to one Steve Ngunyi a marketing and advertising guru.

The relationship hit a snag after cheating rumors and the wedding slated for early 2014 was called off. But despite dating a violent man (her ex while she was at KTN) and an alleged philanderer, Anne has maintained that she is still a romantic at heart and still believes in love.

Sources close to the news anchor revealed that she has found love and is dating a high-profile man, Jomo Gecaga.Jomo is not just any statehouse official,but the Chief of Staff and the personal secretary to President Uhuru .Gecaga previously worked as a First Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So we can say that Anne hit it big with this one!

Here is Anne and her high profile beau hand-in-hand at a previous event:





About this writer:

Sue Watiri