DEAD BEAT KENYA Beats All Odds To CNN! See What CNN Says About The Page

Dead Beat Kenya is what many men don’t want to hear. Ironically, the page that has aroused mixed reactions among Kenyans is going so viral that it has forced its way to international media houses.

At first it was BBC, and now CNN.

The world now seems to know what Kenyan men and women who are accused of absconding parental duty are going through.


The page has, however, faced outrage from the accused parties with others threatening to seek legal redress against the manager of the page.


It’s believed that Jackson Njeru, the founder of the controversial page, is under pressure to get rid of the page as it is seen as being defamatory and untrue.


As the page gains more and more fame, Kenyans are eager to know what happens next now that the exposed have gone to court to have it dismantled; the latest being a Kiambu MCA who was accused of being a dead beat dad despite swimming in massive wealth.

About this writer:

Edward Chweya