Exclusive: Owago Onyiro’s dad escapes death by whisker

Owago onyiro and his family are grateful to still have their dad alive and kicking a few days after he was involved in a motorcycle accident.

 Apparently his dad had left his rural home and was riding to Migori town when the unfortunate accident happened. Speaking to the comedian on phone, Owago says that his dad was hit by a fellow motorcyclist who was avoiding a head on collision with a matatu.

He went on to add that his old man was ejected from his motorcycle and was thrown on the ground but luckily walked away alive since he had his helmet on.

Owago says that most bodaboda riders have become reckless and ignorant which leads them to endanger other people’s lives. He is however thankful that his dad survived the accident with minor injuries, even though he had to spend two days in the Migori district hospital before he was discharged.


photo credits: Owago Onyiro

In their last year’s status report the National Transport and Safety Authority’s revealed that 3,057 people were killed in motorcycle crashes.


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua