Get Ready for ‘Bomba Club’ Party Night

Bomba Club has been happening for a minute now. Every Thursday after work Nairobians faithfully converge at Skyworld Lounge to party there week troubles away. Bomba club is a themed night that let’s you interact freely with;

  • Artistes
  • Kenyan re-known comedians
  • Spoken-word guys
  • Rappers
  • Deejays

while at the same time giving you a pedestal to showcase you talent if you wish to.

Now the numbers that flock to Skyworld are astonishing! Passed by there last week, and it was pretty dope! For young raving me, I think imma make this my new CBD joint. That space hasn’t been filled by any club for a minute now.

If you are looking for a nice place to rev at, I mean a place with no kids jumping all over the place getting on your nerve, then SkyWorld Lounge is the place for you.

So Bomba Club themed night starts from 7pm till late.

SkyWorld is located on Tom Mboya, now before you dismiss it based on its location, check it out first.

About this writer:

Sheila Kanja