Ghafla Exclusive: Kalekye Mumo Exits Kiss 100 after Landing a Multi- Million PR Contract with This Company

What begins must always come to an end the saying goes and unfortunately for all Kiss 100 listeners, that time has come as Kalekye Mumo will no longer be entertaining you in the morning.

 She has a had a good stint  though, 10 cool years of pure bliss and possibilities after starting off on Rush hour where she made a name for herself alongside bad boy Shaffie Weru. Their Camaraderie and chemistry was so good that they moved to the morning show where she has been doing her thing up to now.

Ghafla reached out to her after getting inside information pertaining to her exit and according to her; the time had come where she has to make that major step in her life, she had to rebrand. She still had a lot of adoration for her fans that have been a major pillar of support and she will continue to cherish them just on another capacity.

Again being Ghafla, that answer was not satisfactory enough so we pestered some more and that’s when she revealed that her PR company had signed a major contract with one of the biggest makers of quality blends of Tea, Kericho gold. I bet you didn’t know she had a PR company now did you?  She does and the former has chosen her to headline the launch of new range of products which is destined to take the market by storm.

She recently turned 40, lost a whooping 40 KG’s and promised more bigger things were coming; I guess this is the time. 

See Also:Breaking News: Adelle Onyango Picks Up The Mantle From Kalekye Mumo At The Kiss 100 Breakfast Show. This Is the Reason Why She Was Chosen

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi