“Is he going to be of sound mind?” Janet Mbugua’s husband reveals the biggest fear he had about their newborn son

Ethan Huru Ndichu was born on October 26th 2015. Janet Mbugua’s husband, Eddie Ndichu, has decided to talk about the fear that engulfed him that day his son was born.

Mr. Nidichu revealed that he was shaking with fear when doctors escorted him to the operating theater where his wife was to deliver.

“It has been over 14 months but I remember the day vividly. I was escorted to the doctors changing rooms to wear pair of scrubs. I was shaking with nerves. I couldn’t feel my entire body as I changed. The thoughts going through my head were that this is really happening and that my wife is on a table all by herself,” Eddie Ndichu wrote in part.

Baba Ethan says that several things crossed his mind as he was waiting to see his son; top being physical development of the baby.

“All I could hope is that he is going to be in one piece. Two eyes, two ears, ten fingers and toes. Is he going to be of sound mind? Have all his body parts developed completely? Will he breathe, will he cry? Then in a matter of seconds the doctor literally flings him in the air and says ‘Here he is’! This tiny little body hanging in the air covered in mucus. I barely got a glimpse of his face before they sent him have his cord cut. I see tears on my wife’s face as she lays helplessly. I could see how badly she wanted to hold him. I clench her hand even tighter and console her. He was whisked away for normal checks and a wipe down. The doctor allows me to go around and watch the nurse and him. In my excitement I go around the from where my dear wife is cut open….”

Eddie’s fears evaporated when he finally got time to examine Baby Ethan, he didn’t have any deformities.

“I get there and now fully see his features. His little limbs, toes fingers ears and eyes, all there! His hair, oh my so much hair, thats definitely not from me! He is so pale and light and can’t quite make out who he looks like. Then a sound comes out. I am excited. I am now a father, I could even explain the feeling. It was an overwhelming sense of responsibility mixed with a strong sense of accomplishment and joy. The nurse quickly wraps him and hands him over to me to take to my wife. I couldn’t help feel like I was going to drop him. I finally make it to her. She could barely hold him so I move him close to her face. She touches him and rubs him on her face. Her eyes filled with tears.”


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere