How Carol Radull Is Fairing On From Her Hospital Bed So Far


News of celebrated TV/Radio Personality Carole Radull’s ailment shocked many of her fans as none of them saw this coming.

Carole herself said she thought it was just a flu until when she went to see her doctor that she realized she needed surgery.

Carole said through one of her social media accounts:

“Those of you who like boasting about “your current views,” here’s mine. Yes this is a hospital bed. So much for dismissing a sore throat, cough and migranes as “just the flu” that everyone has. Acute sinusitis and Asthma. Sinuses so bad the doc won’t let me go home and come back. So anti bios for 2 days and surgery on Thursday… My big bro had the same surgery successfully nearly 25 years ago so I’m in good spirits because I believe in God and prayer.”

Two days later, Carole has revealed again that she is yet to undergo the planned surgery because her doctors advised that it is move to Friday to allow the infection in her sinus area to reduce.

“So finally got a room from the ward.#HospitalHouseful Got one of those TVs that takes 5 minutes to warm up to get picture and 2 minutes more for the sound to catch up. And it’s HIGH up. Hehe Meanwhile surgery moved to tomorrow afternoon as the infection in my sinus area needs to reduce. On the right track. Anti biotics nayo. God is in control. (I guess He said flatscreen not a priority) hehe,” Carole wrote from her hospital bed.

Ghafla! Kenya wishes the ardent Arsenal fan a quick recovery. Everybody misses her on radio already.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya