Inspiration Mondays: French Athlete Poops on Himself Mid-Race, Soaks It Up With A Sponge and Finishes in the Top 10 (Photos)

Sometimes diarrhoea strikes you at the worst of times, before an interview, during your wedding or in the case of Yohan Diniz of France, during an Olympic race.

As he was walking the 50 km race walk at the Rio Olympics, his bowels let go and brown diarrhoea could be seen streaming down his legs after intense “intestinal problems”. But while most of us could give up mid-race because your stomach is killing you and there is poop on your clothes, Yiniz’s eye was on the prize and he took up a sponge, stuck it up his shorts and kept walking.

After this incidence, disaster struck again and he collapsed and race workers rushed to his side, giving him water and ice and he kept moving on!


Image: NBC

After these incredible instances of not giving up, he finished in 7th place! If that is not epitomizing the ‘Olympic spirit’ of never giving up then I don’t know what is!

About this writer:

Sue Watiri