Azimio la Umoja Presents Plan to Reduce Living Expenses in Kenya

Azimio la Umoja leaders have presented the government with a plan to reduce living expenses in Kenya. The plan, which was presented to the National Dialogue Committee during a public hearing on Tuesday, focuses on the following areas:

  • Reducing government waste and corruption: Azimio argues that the high cost of living is partly due to government waste, inefficiencies, and corruption. The coalition proposes to eradicate theft of public money, wastages, and hold public officers accountable.
  • Lowering taxes and interest rates: Azimio proposes to lower taxes on fuel, food, energy, SMEs, and the housing levy. The coalition also proposes to lower loan rates to encourage output.
  • Encouraging saving and investment: Azimio argues that the high interest rates in Kenya have discouraged both saving and investing. The coalition proposes to implement policies that will reward savings deposits and reduce the spread between lending and savings rates.
  • Addressing the budget deficit and currency depreciation: Azimio criticizes the government for presiding over a record budget deficit and the depreciation of the Kenyan shilling. The coalition proposes to implement policies to reduce the budget deficit and stabilize the shilling.

Azimio’s plan has been praised by some economists and analysts, who argue that it addresses some of the root causes of the high cost of living in Kenya. However, other economists have expressed skepticism about the plan, arguing that it is difficult to implement and that it may lead to higher inflation.

It remains to be seen whether the government will adopt Azimio’s plan. However, the plan provides a roadmap for addressing the high cost of living, which is a major concern for many Kenyans.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay