Days after his opulent wedding, Stephen Letoo modifies his plans for his honeymoon.

Breaking away from the traditional honeymoon approach where couples travel to the same destination, Stephen Letoo proposed a unique idea: allowing each partner to choose their own destination independently. Letoo stressed the importance of the honeymoon as a time for individual rejuvenation and relaxation.


In response to those who criticize him for only having one wife, Stephen Letoo

He expressed his intention to select his destination based on personal preference, whether it be a serene retreat in the Maasai Mara or an adventurous trip to Dubai. Similarly, he supported his wife’s decision, even if she opted to travel with friends to a different destination.

However, Letoo’s perspective on honeymoon plans appeared to shift just a week after his lavish wedding with his longtime partner, Irene Renoi.

Contrary to his initial proposal of separate destinations, the couple was spotted enjoying their honeymoon together in Zanzibar. They tied the knot in a public ceremony on April 20 at the Ole Ntimama Stadium in Narok County before jetting off to Zanzibar for a romantic getaway.

Letoo shared glimpses of their luxurious hotel and moments on the picturesque island, including his wife’s blush-filled reactions during dinner at a posh restaurant, where she was affectionately referred to as ‘Mrs. Chairman.’

In another heartwarming moment, Renoi was captured walking on the beach, writing her husband’s surname, Letoo, in the soft sand, symbolizing their newlywed status.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay