FIDA declares femicide a national disaster

The Federation of Women Lawyers in Kenya (FIDA-Kenya) has issued a statement expressing profound concern regarding the escalating cases of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAW/G), designating femicide in Kenya as a national disaster.

This follows the horrific murder of Starlet Wahu Mwangi, believed to be a victim of intimate partner violence (IPV), and another woman found deceased in a short-term rental in Roysambu under similar circumstances. FIDA-Kenya has raised the alarm on the safety of women and girls in the country.

While acknowledging the National Police Service for swiftly apprehending the suspect in the Wahu case, FIDA-Kenya voiced apprehensions about the persistent failure of the state to shield women and girls from VAW/G, particularly in private spaces where the perpetrators are often known to the victims.

“It is extremely saddening that in the last year, 10 cases of femicide have been reported in the media. Many more cases remain unreported,” the statement conveyed.

Nancy Ikinu, Chairperson of FIDA-Kenya, stressed the urgent need for comprehensive actions to address femicide and VAW/G, aligning with the organization’s commitment to protecting the rights and fundamental freedoms of women and girls in Kenya.

The organization underscored that bringing suspects to justice is insufficient and called for thorough investigations into the circumstances leading to such incidents. FIDA-Kenya urged the Government of Kenya to ensure the safety of women and girls from IPV.

Additionally, FIDA-Kenya called on criminal justice actors to consider the rights of the victims’ families throughout legal proceedings, emphasizing the right to access justice.

The organization also urged the government to enhance regulatory mechanisms for Airbnb, where recent incidents have occurred.

“FIDA-Kenya equally reaffirms her commitment to offering Pro Bono legal representation and psychosocial support for the victim’s family as well as other victims of VAW/G in the country, as well as commits to facilitate Nationwide awareness on IPV alongside both state and non-state actors,” the statement noted.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay