Karen Nyamu opens up about her eldest daughter

Nominated senator Karen Nyamu has revealed that her nine-year-old daughter, Tiana, has a good relationship with her two fathers, Samidoh and DJ Saint Kevin. In an interview on the YouTube channel Convo, Nyamu said that Tiana calls both men “Dad” and talks to them regularly.

Nyamu also revealed that she shares conversations with Tiana about various family issues, including the fact that she has two fathers. She says that she does this so that Tiana is not surprised when she reads things about her family on social media.

Nyamu has also introduced Tiana to the other children of Samidoh and his first wife, Edday Nderitu. She says that she has tried to explain the situation to Tiana so that she will not be confused or have any psychological issues.

Nyamu has even shown Tiana some of the harsh words that are directed at her on social media, so that she is aware of such things.

Nyamu’s openness about her family situation is refreshing and shows that she is committed to raising her children in a healthy and supportive environment.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay