Lucy Natasha: In three years, I have never taken a single penny from our church

This week, Reverend Lucy Natasha engaged in a conversation with YouTuber Oga Obinna, who inquired about her net worth.

In response, she offered an intriguing perspective, stating, “That is a very interesting question. As a woman of God, I don’t measure my net worth solely based on material wealth, but rather on the lives I am able to impact. To me, true wealth lies in the countless young people I have been able to reach and influence. It’s not something I can quantify in monetary terms.”

Regarding her sources of income, she emphasized her commitment to integrity, asserting, “I have never taken a cent from our church in 3 years. I believe we are partners in God’s work. Prior to this, for over 12 years, I served as a traveling pastor, conducting crusades and seminars. This has always been close to my heart. Additionally, I am an author with over 12 books, and I am involved in various business ventures.”

Encouraging financial diversification, she urged, “Every individual should aim to have multiple streams of income, even if they start small.”

Reverend Natasha also shared insights into her personal life, revealing how social media played a pivotal role in her romantic journey. She disclosed that she met her husband, Indian Stanley Carmel, through Instagram.

“Every love story is unique, and God can use unconventional means to bring people together. I want to reassure those who are still searching for their life partners that there’s no prescribed way to meet your soulmate. You can encounter them in unexpected places. In our case, I’m grateful for social media, particularly Instagram, where our connection began. He reached out to me through direct messages,” Natasha recounted.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay