Noriega reveals Otile highest earning Kenyan superstar

Otile Brown’s former manager, Donself Noriega, has said that the singer is still one of the most successful artists in Kenya, despite recent complaints about his earnings from MCSK.

Noriega, who managed Brown for six years, spoke to SPM Buzz and Plug TV about the singer’s current earnings. He said that he cannot speak about Brown’s specific earnings, but he did say that “numbers don’t lie.”

“If you go to YouTube, who is the most accomplished or decorated artiste when it comes to the views? Who has the more numbers? Because the more the numbers, the more the business,” Noriega said.

He added that Brown is also one of the most popular artists on Spotify and Boomplay.

“The more the numbers, the more the revenue. So I don’t want to say he is the top artiste, but I’ll tell you if you go and sit down and you do your research, whoever artiste has more numbers on their platforms, is the one making or generating more revenue,” Noriega said.

Noriega’s comments come after Brown recently complained about his earnings from MCSK. Brown said that he was only being paid KSh2,500 per song, which he felt was unfair.

MCSK has said that they are investigating Brown’s complaint.

In the meantime, Noriega’s comments suggest that Brown is still one of the most successful artists in Kenya, despite the recent controversy.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay