Broke Rongai Slayqueen detained whole day by pub for huge bill after boyfriend went ‘Mteja’

A Nairobi lady was recently detained for a whole day at a popular club in Rongai after failing to raise Ksh 3,500 to clear her bill.

The collage student who goes by the name Annette was held at Ladida Lounge after he boyfriend failed to come at the pub as she had promised.

“It is true, I took the drinks, my boyfriend initially asked me to come here saying he would join me later. He never showed up and has since switched off his phone,” she said. 

The young lady also said that she tried reaching her mum for the cash but she was broke.

“I drank whiskey. Now I am stranded I have called my mum and she says she doesn’t have money to pay this bill. I do not know what to do.” she said. 

Police case

The club manager said that the lady will have to pay for the bill in one way or another. If not, they’ll have to call the police to settle the issue.

“She will have to pay the bill or we will call the police. If she is not in a position to pay, then we will also question the waiter who sold her the drinks,” said the manager. 


Pipeline slayqeens on the spot for aborting and feeding babies to dogs

Ladies from Pipeline estate are on the spot for their inhumane behaviors yet again. This time, the ladies are being accused of abortion and then dumping the fetuses at garbage sites so that dogs can feed on them.

According to a report from Nairobian, residents find a dead baby at the site almost weekly and are now blaming slayqueens who throng the bars in the estate.

“It’s a common trend here. It has become part of us residents. every weekend you either find dogs running in the estate with human heads or people gathered at a dumpsite looking at a body,” said Peter Ngumbi a resident of Pipeline estate.

“These are acts of coldblooded, heartless ‘slay queens’ who see babies as a hindrance to ‘their job’,” added Peter. 

County Government

An increase in prostitution rate is being blamed for the acts as unemployment continues to bite.

Others are blaming the county government for allowing too many pubs and wines and spirits in the estate.

“Almost each and every flat in Pipeline estate has a wines and spirit shop and private brothels-yet not even a single public school in Pipeline,” he said.

Police are asking the young girls not to kill their children but to take them to hospitals where they can be taken care of.

“As police, we are aware of these cases and soon you will soon feel our presence in the estate,In Pipeline, you don’t focus your gaze at these drainage lines by the roadsides in the mornings; you will always tumble on a body.” said local police boss.

Boy child ameamka! Meet the sponsor who left slay Queens with a sh300k bill after drinks

A man… a sponsor was recently forced to ditch a bunch of slay queens at a popular joint after he invited one and they came in flocks to “eat his money.”

In a video that has been doing rounds on social media, the ladies are seen being asked to pay a Sh285,867 (R37,340) bill after the man cunningly disappeared and left them enjoying the expensive drinks.

The incident happened in South Africa but has been topping Kenyan headlines as many men came out to narrate how they’re tired of being used by ladies.

Just order, he’ll pay

The man has been trending now for days now since the incident and, after the ladies posted his face online.

The bill wasn’t a joke. The slay queens feasted on two platters of meat that was accompanied by rounds of drinks including a bottle of Hennessy and a bottle of 18-year-old Glenfiddich Scotch whisky that costs almost 15K in Kenya.

Watch the video: