Vivianne reveals she failed at being a good wife to Sam West

Image: Singer Vivianne with husband

Kenyan singer Vivianne has opened up about her tumultuous marriage with businessman and content creator Sam West in a recent interview.

Vivianne revealed that she had doubts and reservations about their whirlwind romance, and that she wasn’t adequately prepared for the institution of marriage when their relationship began. She stressed the importance of both partners being in harmony regarding the decision to settle down, and said that she had significant hesitations about taking that step, believing that there were essential aspects of their relationship that demanded exploration and understanding.

She also revealed that her hasty decision was partially fueled by societal expectations and pressure from close friends and family. She expressed regret for succumbing to these external influences rather than following her inner voice and instincts.

Vivianne went on to say that Sam eventually decided to end their relationship, acknowledging that she could not fulfill certain expectations he had. She said that she had stopped being his ideal woman, and that the biggest challenge is expecting someone to be something they are not.

The couple has been living separately for nearly two years now.

Vivianne’s interview has sparked a debate on social media, with some praising her for her courage in speaking out, while others criticizing her for airing her personal grievances in public.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay