Kiambu MCA in Court over Dead Beat

Mention Dead Beat Kenya and shivers will run down the spines of Kenyan men. It’s a facebook page that in the last two weeks has exposed men who are accused of siring kids and neglecting them altogether, leaving the burden to the mothers.

A Kiambu MCA, one Karungo Thangwa from Ng’ewa constituency is one of the victims of the harsh exposure on Dead Beat Kenya. The accusations levelled against him by one Jacquiline Mwende have prompted him to go to court where he has obtained restraint orders against the publisher of Dead Beat Kenya Facebook group in a defamation suit.

Ms Mwende’s post was as follows:


Jacquiline MwendeDead Beat Kenya

September 10 ·

Brilliant idea jackson….mine is simple.this mheshimiwa CMA in Ng’ewa constituent kiambu county has never supported my 11 yr old daughter.He only sent 5k after he was sworn in smtime may 2013.cases to the courts are somewhat exhausting.wish we can get a common lawyer who can look knto our interests at a fee of course..the journeys to court are futile…just two things I need jackson….education and medical cover for his child.

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About this writer:

Edward Chweya