This Picture of Willis Raburu as a baby has to be the cutest thing you see today

It all starts from somewhere and as for Willis Raburu, it started with cuteness before getting to a big show on Citizen TV and an equally bigger pot belly.

Today being throw back Thursday (TBT) he decided to take us back when his journey to be a top notch journalist began by sharing a photo of him a toddler.

Also read:This is what Willis Raburu revealed in a recent interview that has got many questioning his sexuality

A time when he was innocent and the only thing he thought about was there his mother would notice he had pooped on himself.

A time when he didn’t have to worry about being curved by hot lasses like his co-host Joey Muthengi:

#TBT where it all began.

A post shared by Willis Raburu (@willisraburu) on

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi